The Joneses……


I’m sure we all have one or two ‘Joneses’ in our lives……….

You know, the Joneses! ………..That family with the ‘greener grass’, the ‘better house’, the ‘perfect family’ etc, etc,etc.

Yep, those Joneses!

And can we be honest please? ………..sometimes we feel a ‘twinge’ of jealousy towards them, don’t we?

.……….because we work so hard….

………..we work ever so hard…….…..

………..yet we are still ‘ocean’s apart’ from ‘our gold standard’, the Joneses!……..correct?

Okay, snap out of it please and let’s talk!….

Point #1: If you want what the Joneses have, you’ve got to do what the Jones’s did! ……are you ready for that?

Point #2: If you want what the Joneses have, you’ve got to go through what the Jones’s went through.

And just out of curiosity,……why in the world would you want to walk someone else’s path?……….

  • Why not ‘build a brand’ of your own?

Not too long ago, I saw a commercial starring a very ‘tender-aged’ Serena Williams……

In this commercial, she was asked one simple question………

  • “Who do you want to be like when you grow up?”…….And do you know what she said?
  • She said….I want other people to be like me!”

Fast forward to 2015………and you be the ‘judge’!

You see, it is written that “………..the mouth speaks what the heart is full of…….” (Luke 6:45) …..What are you full of?

Point #3: Who said that the Joneses feel blessed anyway? That is our opinion of them and not necessarily their reality!

  • Most times blessed as we may be, it takes so much out of us to get there that when we finally ‘arrive’, we are too worn out or too worried about losing ‘it’ to enjoy ‘it’
  • ……..In the meantime, everyone else has their opinion of us and ours……without even considering the cost!

And finally…….

Point #4: Talk to the Olive!

Olive oil

  • Ah olive oil, it’s good for us in so many ways, yes?
  • About how much would you say a jar might cost?
    • Between $4-$20 maybe?……….Okay great, thanks!……

Food for thought

How is olive oil made anyway?

So how much did you say a jar of olive oil costs again?

Olive being pressed

  • For you………$4-$20 maybe……
  • But…….for the olive.……..its LIFE!

My point today

  • Cost is relative!……….so do you still want to be like the Joneses?


Be Blessed today and always,

Emma B.


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How is olive oil made anyway?

Clark Kent vs Superman

Superman vs Clark Kent

Would you say that Clark Kent was really Superman or Superman was really Clark Kent?

I know, I know…..its too early for riddles……….sorry!

I say that Clark Kent was really Superman though, ………and I’ll tell you why in just a moment.

But first…….

Do you remember Superman’s MO (mode of operation)?……

  • First, Clark Kent would examine his immediate surroundings;
  • Next, Clark Kent would locate and enter into the nearest phone booth;
  • Finally, Superman would emerge from the phone booth………in place of Clark Kent!

Okay, Good!……..

Please keep your finger here because we will come back to this point!

Now, my reasoning…….

We have all been graced with ‘inner strength’……

  • Our ‘Inner Man’
    • The Holy Spirit our Helper and Comforter

How do I know this?…….One word, Easter!

After Jesus rose from the grave, and right before He ascended into Heaven, He told His disciples that when He got to Heaven, He would send us a Helper and Comforter (Holy Spirit), so that we would not be alone…..Then He ‘left‘……….and the Holy Spirit came……..(to dwell in each one of us).

“……. when I go away I will send the Helper to you…… (John 16:7)

The Holy Spirit is our ‘Inner Man’.

You know, how we sometimes say things like……

  • “……..I have a feeling that…….”
  • “……..something is telling me that…….”
  • “……..I can feel it in my ‘bones……”
  • “……..I am going to listen to my gut…..”
  • “…… intuition tells me……….”

Sound familiar?

That is our ‘Inner Man’ warning us about impending danger……….because HE is our Helper

How about when we say things like…..

  • “…..I didn’t know I had it in me!….

That is our ‘Inner Man’ providing us with the ‘staying power’ and tenacity to keep holding on in the midst of the storm……because HE is our Comforter

Neither one of us is more discerning, intuitive, ‘holy’ etc, etc, etc than our friend……

We have all been graced fairly……. BUT we need to exercise/strengthen our Inner Man/spirit in Christ so that we can draw on HIM in the day of trouble.

To do this, we have to:

  • Examine and silence our surroundings;
  • Go into our prayer closet and diligently listen to the Holy Spirit (our Inner Man)
  • Then we will emerge empowered!

So, back to Superman…..

Although a fictional character, I think that Superman is actually the physical manifestation of Clark Kent’s ‘Inner Man’……..

Check this out……..

Clark Kent: You and me……… in our everyday mode

Phone booth: Our Prayer Closet

Superman: How empowered we become when we listen and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in our lives

I guess that makes us each Superman and Superwoman in our own right, doesn’t it?



“………You can do all things through Him that gives you strength“……….(Philippians 4:13)

Strength of Character

Abundant Blessings,

Emma B


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The best is yet to come

Do you remember when you were a child?

……. and you would draw these amazing pictures by hand!

……..and even though art may not have been your forte,

…… still  wanted to present your finest work for display!

Remember how you would grasp your pencil for ‘dear life’……..

………then you would draw,…..and erase……then draw some more, and erase some more……then draw even more, and erase even more……………..until, you became so frustrated that you would give up entirely!!!!……….

That is until…………

……….your parent or teacher sat with you, looked you in your innocent eyes and told you how wonderful your work actually was!

Remember how they believed in you?

………..and how their belief in you somehow restored your confidence and motivation?

So, you would try again……….. and this time it would work!…….and you would feel so proud of your accomplishment!

Oh, but when mom/dad displayed your prized piece on the family refrigerator……….oh my goodness, your little chest would swell with such pride because you did it!

Yes, you did it!

Okay, Reality Check!!!

Fast forward!…………….You’re all grown up now!

  • So, what changed?
  • When, why, how and at what point did you stop believing in you?

Because you messed up along the way, you say?…….

Beloved, please show me one among us who hasn’t messed up at some point in our lives!

My point exactly!……...

We all have some ‘I know I wouldn’t do that again moments’ in our lives……

….’growing pains’ I like to call them…….

BUT,  we should leverage them as learning experiences, not failures!

Please hear me out……….

  • You are NOT a failure!
  • You cannot give up!
  • You cannot stay down!
  • You have to keep moving because…….It’s a new day!

Do you know what that means?

New day =  Fresh Start = New beginnings = Second chances = Do-over etc, etc, etc

Our Hope

Our Heavenly Father promised us  two very significant things……..

He said………

I will pay you back, for those years of trouble……” (Joel 2:25)


He also said……..

…...“Look, I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this, because these words are true and can be trusted.”………… (Rev 21:5)

This is a promise……..

So, pick yourself-up beloved!

Its a new day!…….Good morning!

Its time for a do-over!

Chop, chop…….let’s go!

Blessings galore,

Emma B


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Safe House


Have you ever played tag with a child, when all of a sudden he/she runs to a place where you can clearly see them…………. Errmm…….but just can’t reach them to tag them!

You know, they might secure themselves somewhere under a small table for instance……..

……and to add ‘spice’ to the game, they look you straight in the face and stick their tongue out at you………and confidently declare with a giggle…..“you can’t catch me, you can’t catch me!”

Jerry's holeTom staring at Jerrys hole

What do you typically do when that happens?

Just stand outside of their ‘safe place’ looking in until you get tired and call game over, maybe?

I know that’s what I would do………because it takes two to play the game right?


Now, lets take that visual and apply it to our lives today……….

What do you do when you feel like all the ‘world itself’ is out to get you?

You do know that all you have to do is turn on the Daily News to get your heart broken right?

But there is hope!

Once upon a time, Our Heavenly Father offered us a ‘safe place’ too?…..did you know that?

He tells us in His Word that……..

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty…….(Psalm 91:1)

Now, I don’t know about you, but for me, there are too many ‘boogeymen’ out there for me to tackle on my own…….

So I’m taking HIM up on HIS free offer…………..Are you coming?

Secret place

“……….but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord……….”   (Joshua 24:15)

Abundant Blessings today and always,

Emma B.


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Rear View Mirror

Rear view mirror

Have you ever tried driving a few yards forward looking through your rear view mirror instead of your windshield?

Hopefully never!

But if you have, you might agree with me that you won’t make it far before you crash into something or someone, correct?

Okay, so let’s apply that theory to your life!

  • You are destined for greatness!
  • You were created to excel!
  • BUT……You have to go after ‘greatness’……….

Greatness won’t come knocking on your door if you don’t go after it.

Our Heavenly Father instructed us to……

“…………keep running hard toward the finish line to get the prize that is yours…….” (Philippians 3: 14) (paraphrased)

That means that there is a prize waiting for you at the finish line…….

However, you do know what they say right?…………No pain, no gain!

So, how bad do you want it?

Alrighty then, let’s do this!

We have a prize to claim!

Keeping it real!

its worth it


Emma B.


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I choose…….


The tongue can speak words that bring life or death. Those who love to talk must be ready to accept what it brings.……….(Proverbs 18:21)


I choose to speak life………especially over my own head!……….What about you?

Did you know that life is ONLY 10% of what happens to you BUT 90% of how you react to it?

Pretty encouraging numbers don’t you say?

  • So then, why doesn’t it feel that way in reality?
  • Why do we so readily accept another person’s opinion of us?
  • Why do we allow their opinion to define us?

Have you ever heard of the word ‘perspective’?


Let me prove it to you…….

Look at the picture below:

Glass half full

What do you see?

  • Is the glass half full or half empty?

Don’t tell me your answer, but understand this……

  • We each have the unique ability to look at the EXACT same thing but yet see completely different things………
  • Therefore, when you accept another person’s opinion of you as your reality, you are essentially giving them undue power over your life!

Now why in the world would you want to do that?

  • With all due respect, what is the difference between accepting another person’s opinion of you as your reality and letting someone else control your ‘puppet strings’ ……… if you will….

Take back your strings beloved!

And know that if you get your feet tangled up in your strings every now and then,  you have not failed!

This is life…….. inevitable!

If you fall, get back up, dust yourself off and try again!

Thomas Edison didn’t give up. He simply declared that he had not failed but instead had just found 10,000 ways that wouldn’t work!……..and look at what he achieved!……Errm, the light bulb!!!


……”Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”…………(Galatians 6:9)

Please, please, please……Do NOT make another person’s opinion of you your reality!

Call a spade a spade, not an instrument for digging!……

Their opinion of you is just that,…….their opinion, NOT yours!



Are you ready?

On your mark……..get set…………GO!

Blessings Galore,

Emma B.


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Backup Plan?


Well that pretty much sums up today’s message……doesn’t it?

Backup plan?

Errmm, I don’t think so!

Well not for me anyway……..I’ll pass, thank you!

………and if you ask me, I think you should too!

Don’t you know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made? (Psalm 139:14)

So why settle?

Quality NEVER goes on sale!

  • It costs what it costs!…….take it or leave it!

The human psyche is wired to believe that quality will cost you a ‘little something’ ….. and rightfully so!

So may I ask, ……….what does your price tag read?

Food for thought……
When was the last time you heard that Rolls Royce was having a 50% off sale?

  • Have they ever?

Rolls Royce is an automobile!…..a car! …….a thing! Yet, it almost never goes on sale!

  • ….so why should you?……….put yourself on sale, I mean?

Pick yourself up and out of the bargain basement my dear, and place yourself back on that window sill where you belong…………for all to see your worth!

How do you do that, you ask?

By knowing and believing that……

God has chosen you. He loves you. So your new life should be like this: Show mercy to others. Be kind, humble, gentle, and patient. Don’t be angry with each other, but forgive each other. If you feel someone has wronged you, forgive them. Forgive others because the Lord forgave you. Together with these things, the most important part of your new life is to love each other. Love is what holds everything together in perfect unity……….(Colossians 3:12-14)



Remember that…..


Peace and love,

Emma B.


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Daddy’s Girl…..

I am a ‘Daddy’s Girl’!

You are too!……….Did you know that?

Well, you are!

No matter how we look at it, we are super blessed, extremely loved, severely doted on ‘Daddy’s Girls’!…….. and we need to know that!

Father Daughter Silhouette

He is the most excellent of men and his lips have been anointed with grace…….(Psalm 45:2)

Now, although our Heavenly Daddy graced us with earthly daddies designed in His Image,

…….and charged them to love and care for us as closely as HE does,

…….we have to understand that they are/were human!……and to err is human!

So for those of us who have/had amazing earthly daddies that are/were the perfect example of our Heavenly Daddy:

  • Let us acknowledge them.

And for those who have/had earthly daddies that were not so ‘ideal’:

  • Let us forgive them…….because they are/were human!
    • We must forgive them, then forgive ourselves for forgiving them……so that we may be free to embrace what we do have!

I guess what I am trying to say is that NONE of us were created ‘father-less’!

We all have ‘at least’ ONE Daddy……who loves us to the ends of the earth!

  • The question is, “Do you know HIM?”

Our Heavenly Daddy parted the Red Sea to save an entire Nation from Pharoah……for crying out loud!

  • And, with this kind of Daddy, who and what else do you really need?
  • With this kind of Daddy, you have EVERY reason to live your life without a worry in the world!…..

So go and do that today and everyday after!


…….If God is for you, who can be against you?”……..(Romans 8:31)

And HE IS! ………for you I mean….

Go in confidence today, knowing that ‘Daddy’s got ya’!

father_daughter foot prints

Love you all with the love of the Lord!

Be blessed,

Emma B


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Stop to smell the Roses…..or Snails!

My 'play daughter'.....Princess Olivia....admiring God's creation....

My ‘play daughter’…..Princess Olivia….STOPPED, … admire a snail…..God’s creation….

The earth is the Lord‘s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein…..Psalm 24:1

Children see, children do, they say………

May I propose……..

That every now and then we tap into ‘our inner child’?……..even if its just for a moment…..

Our Father knew that we couldn’t truly enjoy all that HE has so graciously blessed us with if we didn’t ‘let our guard down’ every so often to experience a ‘child-like’ faith, so HE instructed us to:

………“Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because God’s kingdom belongs to people who are like these little children”.…….(Luke 18:16)

Now, we all have an inner child!

We may have to look deep within our souls to find them, but I promise you that we each have them!

….and Our Father is speaking to that part of us……our inner child!

Let us return to the simple things,……….even if its just for a moment…….

  • The age of innocence;
  • The place where laughter emanates from deep within the soul;
  • The place where the word ‘grudge’ doesn’t even exist;
  • The land of ‘Happy’ I like to call it!

Food for thought

Did you realize that its Fall, at the moment…….yep, Fall/Autumn is here!

Yesterday at dusk, my 13 year old son was fascinated with the beautiful vanilla and red sky, wherein lay the amazing setting sun…….and he made it a point to share that wonder……

Today, I made it a point to notice the leaves on the trees, that have actually started turning red….and falling! Hmm…..Somehow, I didn’t notice that yesterday!

So take a moment if you will please, and look around you……

  1. What do you see?
  2. What do you hear?
  3. What do you smell:
  4. And after all that, how do you feel? …….I’m guessing pretty good, yes?……

Now, go out there like the wonder that you know you are, and spread the love!

Trust me, there’s a lot of it to go around and a lot of people who could use a ‘lift’ today.

Love & Blessings,

Emma B.

The view that greeted me after a hard day's work back in May. Priceless!

The view that greeted me after a hard day’s work back in May. Priceless!


Princess Olivia & Mama J (you know who you are)!

Love you both so much!


Caterpillar to Butterfly

When life gets really tough, do you sometimes miss that part of your childhood where cookies, milk and a kiss from mama made ‘it’ all better?

You know, that point in your life where, ‘trying to pour yourself a glass of milk, but making a huge mess instead’ was ‘cute!’

……….so cute that mama said “Don’t worry baby, I’ll clean it up!”

Yep, me too! …….. BUT, that was then and this is now!

You are all grown up now………..and the challenges of life are inevitable……..

There is good news though!

Let me share a secret……..

Did you know……

God created us with EVERYTHING, that HE our ‘Inventor’ knew we would need to live out our DIVINE purpose……EVERYTHING!

“……But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…….” (2 Corinthians 4:7)

Earthen Vessels

Food for thought:

When you buy a new piece of equipment, it usually comes with a manual right? Why do you think that is the case?

I think that…….

  1. The one who created the gadget (the inventor), wanted everyone to know what they created the gadget for in the first place……… (what is its purpose);
  2. The manual was intended to detail how the gadget was designed to work…… (how to accomplish its purpose);
  3. The manual was intended to detail how to troubleshoot and correct potential issues……(how to deal with the storms of life).

So let’s apply this to ourselves…..

Inventor/Creator: God our Father

Manual: His Word

The next time life gets so tough, DON’T stress out about it. Instead, simply go to our Father and tell Him what the problem is (HE listens). And also study HIS Manual to find out

  1. What Your DIVINE purpose is;
  2. How to accomplish your DIVINE purpose;
  3. How to weather the inevitable storms of life.


God changes caterpillars

Abundant Blessings,

Emma B.


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